Ķengaraga ielā 1A

+371 27722210

Mon - Sun: 10.00 - 21.00. Advance reservation required.

Obligāti jārezervē



Happy customers, including couples, families, groups of friends, and students, discovered a new world for themselves.


Implemented corporate team-building events and training in the dark


Certified professional blind guides will take care of your comfort and new experience.


Years - We help people discover themselves, as well as support special social groups.

Project history and mission

Project history and mission

We have been working since 2019 as a social enterprise, providing unique entertainment in complete darkness and innovative team-building events, as well as strong business training. We are the only ones in Northern Europe. We provide jobs for blind and visually impaired individuals who work as tour guides and training assistants.

We are confident that by providing opportunities and employing blind people, we can not only create unforgettable experiences and significant changes for event participants but also promote sustainable societal transformation.

Our team

Our team

Viktorija Giņko

I work as an office administrator and I enjoy helping people. It is important to me that every client feels heard and that all questions are resolved quickly and easily. I strive to create a warm and friendly atmosphere so that communication with our team brings only positive emotions.

Karina Skalbe

Philosopher by education, guide by calling. Open to the world and ready to show it to others! I enjoy learning new things, traveling with my beloved family, singing with colleagues, and swimming quickly.

Lija Bočagina

Since childhood, I have dreamed of becoming a guide, but due to poor vision, it was not possible for a long time. Being a guide is not only my profession but also an opportunity to share my knowledge and inspire people. I have always been open to communication and enjoy making new acquaintances!

Mareks Čakāns

I work at "Sensorium", and I really enjoy working there. I also really like cooking and listening to music. My biggest hobby is motorcycles. I am a simple country person who likes to learn about the latest technologies and enjoy life.

Alisa Mālere

I don't like to sit still; I am always on the move. I am a guide and I not only work in the dark - darkness is part of my everyday life. It doesn't stop me from doing what I love: making music, playing drums in a wind ensemble, performing in a showdown, and sometimes pulling a few pranks. What is a showdown? And how do we manage to do everything? Come on a tour with us and we will tell you all about it!

Our founder's speech

Our founder's speech

"Sensorium" is not only about blind people. We have social goals — to raise tolerance, break stereotypes, and inspire. Any person is capable of anything, and there are no limitations. Even if you cannot see, you can still achieve and accomplish everything! Perhaps all obstacles really are just in our heads? There is always a way out and the ability to adapt to circumstances in any environment, even in the dark. See for yourself!" — Maksims Mihejevs, project founder

Maksims Mihejevs


Our values

Our values


We create a unique and innovative experience so that every visitor experiences something unforgettable and relevant.


We help develop understanding and support for people with various abilities, fostering mutual understanding.


Our activities promote personal growth by teaching to rely on other senses and to be aware of the significance of each.


We provide a comfortable and safe environment for everyone by tailoring excursions and activities for people with different needs.


A careful attitude towards visitors, an individual approach, and the creation of comfortable conditions for all participants are the basis of our activities.

Our achievements

Our achievements

The only one in Northern Europe

We offer a unique entertainment experience in complete darkness that is not available anywhere else in Northern Europe.

Family-friendly place

We have received an official evaluation from the Society Integration Fund as a family-friendly place.

TripAdvisor recognition

We are listed among the highest-rated specialized museums in Riga in 2023.

"Latvijas skolas soma" state program

We joined the national initiative, allowing schools to visit our tours at a discount. On average, we receive 500–600 students per month.

Job opportunities for the blind

We provide work for blind and partially sighted people as guides and assistants, promoting their integration into society.

Award "For Human Development" 2023

We have become laureates of the Latvian Civic Alliance and the US Embassy award for unusual social responsibility and philanthropy.

Museum Society Award "Noticed 2023"

Our work has been recognised with a prestigious award for contributions to culture and innovation.

Successful action during the pandemic

Despite the challenges of Covid-19, we opened our doors and continued to grow in 2021, adapting and diversifying our offerings.

Our opinions

Our opinions

We are in the media

We are in the media

  1. We have received several EU grants and special awards from both private and public enterprises. Our greatest achievement: this year, we were selected from all Latvian companies and honored with the LPA (Latvian Civic Alliance) and U.S. Embassy Award for exceptional social responsibility and philanthropy. “The Invisible World” has been named the 2023 laureate of the "Growth for People" award.

  2. We also received a valuable Recognition Award in the Educator category at the 2023 "Annual Award for Supporting People with Disabilities" competition. This was awarded for activities that have enabled people with disabilities to gain skills, knowledge, and self-realization while promoting societal understanding and inclusion. This recognition came from the association Apeirons, the Ombudsman’s Office, and the National Library of Latvia.

  3. We are deeply grateful for the recognition and support we have previously received from Riga Municipality and the Department of Welfare. Your belief in our vision has been key to our company’s growth and success. We take this opportunity to share our remarkable achievements so far:

  4. We were awarded the LPA and U.S. Embassy Award for exceptional social responsibility and philanthropy. “The Invisible World” became the 2023 laureate of the "Growth for People" award.

  5. The Riga City Welfare Department awarded us a €20,000 grant for the project "Promotion of Employment for At-Risk Social Groups in Riga."

  6. We have successfully secured multiple EU grants, numerous local awards, extensive media coverage, and features on major TV channels and radio stations.

  7. Our organized school excursions have already generated significant interest, bringing in 500–600 visitors per month on average. Teachers, parents, and students have highly praised this initiative. We successfully joined the national program "Latvian School Bag," enabling schools to receive discounts when visiting us.

  8. We were recognized as one of Europe’s social enterprises and received a €3,000 grant for business administration training under the SocialTech4EU project.

  9. We officially obtained the status of "Family-Friendly Place" following an evaluation by the Society Integration Fund.

  10. Despite the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, we opened our doors in 2021, not only surviving but thriving by diversifying our offerings to meet the evolving needs of our community.

  11. We have hosted many free open-door events for schools, providing interactive support for teachers to promote inclusive education. Our discussions at Lampa 2023 on inclusive education sparked significant interest in our project and its social impact.

  12. The association for people with disabilities and their friends, “Apeirons,” produced two videos about our work, further raising public awareness of our mission.

  13. We were honored with the prestigious Museum Association Award – “Noticed 2023!” – highlighting our importance in the cultural landscape.

  14. We proudly supported the Strazdumuiža Secondary School charity project by renovating dressing rooms, creating a bathroom, and organizing joyful events.

  15. We have received recognition from TripAdvisor and are ranked among the top-rated specialized museums in Riga for 2023. Additionally, we are listed among Latvia's most popular attractions by LiveRiga and LatviaTravel.

  16. We have been listed among the top museums for Museum Night.

  17. Our business model has been successfully implemented worldwide for over 30 years, and we are the only providers of this type of educational entertainment in the dark in Northern Europe.

  18. The Ministry of Welfare’s Labor Market Policy Department, Riga City Welfare Department, and Riga Municipality’s Employment, Social Work, and Internship Unit have expressed verbal support and readiness to assist us in finding a new location in the city center.

  19. We are among Latvia's Top 10 social enterprises for 2024. A photo exhibition organized by the Latvian Social Entrepreneurship Association, Luminor Bank, and the Development Financial Institution ALTUM highlighted this achievement.

  20. In May 2024, we received a €5,000 grant from LIAA for digitalization, with a new modern website set to launch in December 2024.

  21. In summer 2024, we conducted an in-depth marketing analysis and developed a new business concept at a cost of €4,000. A rebranding with a new name, Sensorium, is underway.

  22. In October 2024, we received a €40,000 grant from Altum for social entrepreneurship.

  23. In spring and summer 2024, open-door events for tourism agencies confirmed collaboration interest, with 70% of tourism ferries involved through Alta Tourism Association and RCA.

  24. In autumn 2024, over 60 school representatives from across Latvia visited our open-door events, expressing interest in bringing their students.

  25. In autumn 2024, we were invited to present at a conference on social entrepreneurship, opened by the Minister of Welfare.

  26. Riga Municipality also invited us to present as an exemplary case of social entrepreneurship in autumn 2024.

  27. In November 2024, renowned marketer Garrett Martin Johnston conducted a masterclass in Riga. He expressed interest in visiting us in January 2025 and offering free assistance for company development (valued at €25,000). He collaborates with the world's top companies.

We thank our collaboration partners

Information about the implementation of a business project

Information about the implementation of a business project

SIA ”IW” kopš granta līguma parakstīšanas 2020. gada 12. oktobrī īsteno biznesa projektu, kas tiek finansēts Eiropas Sociālā fonda darbības programmas “Izaugsme un nodarbinātība” 9.1.1. specifiskā atbalsta mērķa “Palielināt nelabvēlīgākā situācijā esošo bezdarbnieku iekļaušanos darba tirgū” pasākuma “Atbalsts sociālajai uzņēmējdarbībai” Nr. ietvaros.


Biznesa projekts virzīts uz tolerances attīstību redzīgo un neredzīgo starpā ar mērķi nojaukt komunikācijas barjeras starp veseliem cilvēkiem un cilvēkiem ar īpašām vajadzībām, veicināt cilvēku ar redzes invaliditāti iekļaušanos sabiedrībā, nodarbināt cilvēkus ar redzes traucējumiem, veicināt emocionālā intelekta attīstību un sapratni par veselību.

  • Biznesa projekta Nr.: SU0000175

  • Granta līgums Nr.: 244702/SU0000175

  • Biznesa projekta īstenošanas vieta: SIA “IW”, Ķengaraga 1a, Rīga, LV-1063

  • Biznesa projekta īstenošanas ilgums: 12 mēneši

  • Biznesa projekta ESF(Eiropas sociālā fonda) kopējais finansējums: 49 990,00 EUR​

SIA ”IW” kopš granta līguma parakstīšanas 2024. gada 2. oktobrī īsteno biznesa projektu, kas tiek finansēts no Eiropas Sociālā fonda Plus (turpmāk – ESF+). ESF+ projekts "Atbalsts sociālajai uzņēmējdarbībai", identifikācijas Nr. ietvaros.


Biznesa projekts mērķi:

Nodarbināt vismaz 1 cilvēku no sociālās atstumtības riskam pakļautās iedzīvotāju grupas.

Neredzīgie strādājošie cilvēki iegūs:
(a) neredzīgie cilvēki pāriet strādāt uz citiem uzņēmumiem;
(b) atalgotu darbu;
(c) socializējas sabiedrībā;
(d) pārliecību savās spējās.

Apmeklētāji iegūst:
(a) iespēju attīstīt toleranci pret citiem līdzcilvēkiem; emocionālā intelekta attīstību; - ceļojumu savu jūtu un sajūtu pasaulē; „iziešanu” no ierastajiem rāmjiem apkārtējās pasaules uztverē; dzīvesprieka iedvesmu no neredzīgajiem;
(b) palīdzību atrast sevi;
(c) sapratni par veselības nozīmi ikviena dzīvē.

Sabiedrība iegūst:
(a) cilvēku ar invaliditāti socializāciju;
(b) cilvēku ar invaliditāti nodarbinātību;
(c) tolerances attīstību un labāku attieksmi pret cilvēkiem ar redzes invaliditāti;
(d) stereotipu laušanu par cilvēkiem ar īpašām vajadzībām
(e) uzsvērt kādas problēmas ir neredzīgiem cilvēkiem un cik svarīgi ir apkārtējiem vairot iecietību un vērst uzmanību.

  • Biznesa projekta Nr.: SU2 0001

  • Granta līgums Nr.: Nr.244702/SU2 0001

  • Biznesa projekta īstenošanas vieta: SIA “IW”, Ķengaraga 1a, Rīga, LV-1063

  • Biznesa projekta īstenošanas ilgums: 10 mēneši

  • Biznesa projekta ESF(Eiropas sociālā fonda) kopējais finansējums: EUR 43 999,44, neskaitot PVN

Ķengaraga ielā 1A

+371 27722210

Mon-Sun: 10:00 - 21:00

Sensori m

The aim of the project is to identify and test optimal solutions for the establishment and development of social enterprises, including support for social enterprises focused on job integration, in order to increase employment opportunities for unemployed individuals in a disadvantaged situation, persons with disabilities, and individuals with mental health issues.

The company "Sensorium" has received social enterprise status, an ALTUM EU grant, as well as completed the "New Door" social entrepreneurship accelerator, the "Antistartup" accelerator, and gained recognition in the SEB bank grant competition for social enterprise ideas "It will grow well 2020", and also reached the finals of "It will grow well 2022" and "Upward 2022".


All rights reserved, 2024

Ķengaraga ielā 1A

+371 27722210

Mon-Sun: 10:00 - 21:00

Sensori m

The aim of the project is to identify and test optimal solutions for the establishment and development of social enterprises, including support for social enterprises focused on job integration, in order to increase employment opportunities for unemployed individuals in a disadvantaged situation, persons with disabilities, and individuals with mental health issues.

The company "Sensorium" has received social enterprise status, an ALTUM EU grant, as well as completed the "New Door" social entrepreneurship accelerator, the "Antistartup" accelerator, and gained recognition in the SEB bank grant competition for social enterprise ideas "It will grow well 2020", and also reached the finals of "It will grow well 2022" and "Upward 2022".


All rights reserved, 2024